Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Winter is a pain in the ass

So it's still cold and snowy. Apparently it's all gonna melt tonight though. then it will be mild and mucky.

School for Scoundrels was funny. stupid kick-me-in-the-balls humour but noen the less enjoyable. John Hedr has done well for himself. Canadian fellow and all, apparently my cousin went to school with him? Anyways, I was thinking about how he represents this dumbfounded type of guy that people are now casting, probably even writing roles for. I suppose seeing him do his Napolean Dynomite thing could have inspired goofball comedy writers around the world to create new stories based around this goofy looking guy.

The Quiet, definately recommend this one. Not only does it have a Calgarian in it, Elisha Cuthbert(who actually pulled off a serious role!), but it has a very cool mood to it. Not quite dark, but definately leaves you feeling almost foggy. Deaf girl, incest, murder. can't go wrong really. I enjoyed it. You will too, maybe, if you like that sort of thing.

Anyways, I am off to try and solve the age old problem of How do you keep geese off a pond?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Baby it's cold outside

So winter has finally settled in. It took a while, but now it's damn cold and won't stop snowing with no end in sight. shit. Driving in this city is about as safe as playing Russian Roulette with a shotgun.

I get really irritated with many of our fair city's drivers. Not road rage irritated (at least if you don't define the deep need to pull someone from their car verbally berate them while cutting up their liscence and kicking them in the face as road rage), but I find it difficult to deal with people who don't know what they are doing. The "Rules of the Road" isn't just about stop signs and yellow lines, there are guidelines in place so that all the masses don't try and think for themselves. In the past year, over 75,000 people moved into Calgary. That's 75,000 people that may or may not have ever driven in Canada, or more importantly, snow.

Also, the playgroudn zones? they don't go into effect until 8:30am. freaking morons driving around at 30km/hour while it's pitch black and the little kiddies are all in bed sucking their thumbs, dreaming of staying inside to play video games and watch TV so they never have to go out and play in the playground zones thusly negating thier existance.

I went to a meeting the other day with a guy I lovingly call "Um-Ah" No real reason for this nickname, except for um-ah, the fact um-ah, that he um-ah says um-ah in between um-ah almost every um-ah freaking word. um-a. It can get irritating.

Enough of this, off to my desk to plan my worldly domination. Some good movies being released on disc today, The Departed, not really interested-why the fuck is it nominated for several oscars? School for Scoundrels, sure I want to see this, it's mindless entertainment. I watched the Messengers on the weekend, haunted house and all that. pretty good movie all around. Anyways, tomorrow I will let you know about the tonights flicks.