Friday, October 06, 2006

Somwhere between reality and a Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich

Elvis, not my favorite character to dress up as for Halloween, but the costume kinda fell into my lap this year. I of course plan on being dead elvis, half rotted and all that. I found a wig, an awesome foram ruber Elvis wig, so I couldn't let it go, and made the call to use it for Halloween. I have yet to decide if I am going to be fat dead Elvis, but I am pretty sure that I will remain thin for the part.

I saw some excellent make up at a local costuem shop. It makes your mouth look rotted away as if your lips were gone and all your teeth are showing through. I think that will add a dimension of nastiness to my costume. No one likes seeing your teeth hanging out, esepcially if you are Elvis. Dead Elvis. This makes me think of Bubba Ho Tep. One of the funnier films to have come out in the past few years. Bruce Campbell does an excellent job of Old Elvis. I may have to watch the film about 10 times before Halloween to get the attitude and accent perfect.

In the past I made the mistake of watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas about 15 times to properly portray Hunter S. on Halloween. The result was a near perfect mimic of the Johnny Depp portrayal, tone of voice, strange jerky movements and all. The downside is, it's bloody hard to give that up once the costume is off. Accidentally talking out the side of your mouth, leering at people with drug crazed eyes and screaming about golf shoes isn't the best way to act in a public setting. With time, the old me came back through and Mr. Thompson had his remains shot from a cannon so it all ends pretty well I think.


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