Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A small trip through the garden of my mind

There was a time when I would work nights and sleep through the days. I have never been a morning person, and the people that come out at night are so much more entertaining than during the day times.

For instance, one evening, as I walked away from work, I noticed an elderly man driving a mini-van with a severly flat tire. I flagged him down and told him he needed to get the tire fixed. "Where can I meet a girl?" was his response. Now as sad as it sounds, and potentially deranged, that an old man with a flat tire was looking for love, I can assure you that your sympathy is not needed.

This particular man, on this particular evening, was looking for a woman "who would walk up to the car without you asking". I am sure, dear reader, that by now you grasp the concept. Being that I lived in the area and have a tendency to help those in need, I decided to give him a hand.

"First, drive down this street to the gas station and fill up your tire", I explained - and he appeared to understand. "Then drive two blocks north and make a right, there you will find the kind of girl you are looking for."

I am not one to generally pay for sex, but I also am not ignorant to the hangouts of prostitutes in my neighbourhood! So the man thanked me, and was on his way.

Now at this point, I entered a pub, where I was waiting for my sister to meet me. Within 10 minutes she arrived and we ordered our drinks. She says to me, "I was just at the gas station and some guy pulled up with a flat tire, I went over to tell him about it and he rolled down the window and told me to get in!" she said in disbelief and continued her story, "I said to him, 'No you have a flat tire, I just thought you should know!' Isn't that odd?" she asked.

"No, not really" I replied.


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